主な著書・論文 |
- (単著)Tax Law and Investment Arbitration: Conflict between Domestic Policies and International Obligations of the State on Taxation, Routledge (Taylor and Francis, UK)2017 (Forthcoming)
- (単著)ウミリデノブ アリシェル「天然資源に関する国際直接投資紛争における課税主権 : ウズベキスタンを素材として」(博士論文・名古屋大学、平成24年) Japan Institutional Repository Online http://jairo.nii.ac.jp/0002/00014730/en
- (共著)林 秀弥 、ウミリデノブ アリシェル「転換期のウズベキスタン競争法―現状と課題」土田 和博 編著『独占禁止法の国際的執行―グローバル化時代の域外適用のあり方』 259-302頁(日本評論社、平成24年)
- (単著)ウミリデノブ アリシェル「投資仲裁における課税紛争—投資受入国の裁量権の保護を中心に—」日本国際経済法学会年報、第22号、191-215頁(平成25年)
- (単著)Umirdinov Alisher, Apex of Liberalization in the Era of Resource Nationalism? ~Trends and Developments of Oil and Gas Law and Policy in Uzbekistan~, Jahrbuch für Ostrecht, Vol.55, No.2, pp.281-312(2014)
- (単著)Umirdinov Alisher, The End of Hibernation of Stabilization clause in Investment Arbitration: Reassessing Its Contribution to Sustainable Development, Denver Journal of International Law and Policy, The Sutton Colloquium Special Edition,Vol.43, No.4, pp. 455-487(2015)
- (単著)Umirdinov Alisher, Sharing Responsibilities on Corruption Allegations in Investor-State Arbitration ~The Contribution of Metal-Tech v. Uzbekistan~, 名古屋大学、法政論集, 第264号、43-83頁(平成27年)
- (単著)Umirdinov Alisher, The Impact of Investment Treaty Law on Tax Policies of Host States, Turkish Journal of Legal Studies, Vol.1, No.1, pp.53-75(2016)
- (共著)Foziljon Otakhonov, Umirdinov Alisher, Commercial Arbitration in Uzbekistan, in Kaj Hobér and Yaraslau Kryvoi eds. Arbitration in the CIS Region, Kluwer Law International (Forthcoming, 2017)
書 評
- (単著)Umirdinov Alisher, The Interpretation of International Investment Law: Equality, Discrimination and Minimum Standards of Treatment in Historical Context (Todd Weiler, Brill | Nijhoff, 2013, 525pp) British Yearbook of International Law 83 (1),pp.187-190 (2013)
- (単著)ウミリデノブ アリシェル、Cultural Heritage in International Investment Law and Arbitration (Valtentina Vadi, Cambridge University Press, 2014, 374pp) 日本国際経済法学会年報、第24号、193-197頁(平成27年)
- (単独)Umirdinov Alisher, Exxon v Russia: What are the Possible Legal Outcomes?, CIS Arbitration Forum, (27 April 2015)
- (単独)Umirdinov Alisher, The case for an Advisory Center for ICSID, Columbia FDI Perspectives, No.175 (6 June 2016)