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University Profile

Name of the university Nagoya University of Economics
Address 61 -1 Uchikubo, Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture 484 -8504 [google map ]
President Haruo Saburi
Department Department of Economics
Department of Business
Department of Law
Department of Human Life and Sciences
(Division of Education and Care)
(Division of Health and Nutritional Science)
Graduate Schools Graduate School of Law (Master's or Doctor’s Courses) Graduate School of Accounting (Master's or Doctor’s Courses) Graduate School of Human Life and Sciences (Master’s Course of Education and Care and Health and Nutritional Science)
Number of students 2,268 [in faculties], 102 [in graduate schools] (As of May 1, 2024)
Number of foreign students 327 [in faculties], 9 [in graduate schools] (As of May 1, 2024)
Affiliated schools Ichimura Kindergarten Attached to Nagoya University of Economics
Ichimura Junior and Senior High School Attached to Nagoya University of Economics
Takakura Junior and Senior High School Attached to Nagoya University of Economics

Approximately 70 minutes from Chubu Centrair International Airport Station by train.
Approximately 40 minutes from Meitetsu Nagoya Station by train.

Partner Universities and Organizations
(As of February 2025)
[Cambodia] Royal University of Law and Economics
[Canada] University of Calgary
[China] Northeastern University
China National University of Law and Politics
East China National University of Law and Politics Research Center for Legal Studies
[Indonesia] Indonesia University of Education
[Philippin] University of St.La Salle, Inc
[Korea] Korea Legislation Research Institute
Hanyang University
[Malaysia] Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation
[Mongolia] National University of Commerce and Business
National University of Mongolia School of Law
University of Finance & Economics, Mongolia
[Taiwan] Kainan University
[USA] Arizona State University
University of Hawaii at Mānoa
[Uzbekistan] Tashkent State University of Economics
Tashkent State University of Law
Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies
University of World Economy and Diplomacy
Tashkent State University of World Languages
El-yurt umidi Foundation
KIMYO International University in Tashkent
[Vietnam] University of Hanoi
Hanoi Law University
Ho Chi Minh City University of Law
Vietnam Japan University
Institute of State and Law